If you are interested in serving on the UA+Ed Board of Trustees, please use the link below to tell us about yourself.
We value the unique experiences and backgrounds of our board members and are committed to maintaining a diverse, well-rounded board that shares our passion for providing meaningful opportunities for each and every student.
Board of Trustees Mission and Expectations
The UA+Ed Board of Trustees is responsible for advancing the mission of the Upper Arlington Education Foundation.
UA+Ed Trustees are committed to acting together as a collective voice to support the mission, vision and values of the Upper Arlington School District through our own diverse perspectives, opinions and ideas in order to supplement the strategic initiatives defined by the UA schools. We are passionate ambassadors of UA+Ed outside the boardroom. We are responsible for educating the community about the importance of the work that we do. We are strategic allies and supporters, not implementers. Ultimately, our goal is to cultivate a constructive partnership with the executive director in order to advance the mission, vision and values of the organization.
Mission • Vision • Values
To provide access to meaningful opportunities for each and every student.
An inspired and thriving community of learners.
Honoring Community
Our expectation of quality and love of neighbors is recognized in all that we do.
Fostering Connections
We nurture relationships and cultivate partnerships for yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Supporting Innovation and Leaders
We fuel ideas and creativity in the classroom and beyond.
Embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
All are welcome and have equitable access to opportunity.
Giving Generously
Our hearts are big and our passion is education.
Being Responsive
We listen and learn to align our giving.
Trustees may serve one term of 4 years.
As per current Bylaws - Section 3.03 - Term
Trustees will hold office for a term of four (4) years, with the intention of such terms being staggered as equally as possible.
It shall be the intention to elect a minimum of one member of the Upper Arlington Alumni Association each year to serve on the Board of Trustees.
No Trustee, other than the Ex Officio Trustee appointed by the Board of Education, shall serve more than one (1) term unless that individual is an officer or committee chairperson and/or special circumstances dictate a need/reason to stay.
A former Trustee may be reelected as a Trustee after a one-year or more absence from the Board of Trustees.
The term of office shall commence on January 1st of the following year.
Meetings, Responsibilities and Commitments
Full Board Meetings are currently held no less than quarterly at 8:15 am, the fourth Thursday of the month (unless affected by holidays such as Thanksgiving and Winter and Spring breaks, in which case, the meetings may be held a week in advance) and will be posted well in advance.
Agendas and any pertinent information will be sent by Friday before the meeting.
Trustees are expected to read this information and come to meetings prepared to participate.
While it is the hope that UA+Ed trustees will take their commitment to heart and recognize the importance of meeting in person to execute the business of the Foundation, situations do arise that present an important conflict. *If a trustee is unable to attend a meeting in person, they should:
Participate in meetings via Zoom or other forms of telecommunications.
Review the agenda with a staff member or Board Chair prior to or after such a meeting.
Standing Committees
Trustees are expected to serve on at least one (1) Standing Committee.
Committees typically meet monthly or quarterly, but this may change based on needs.
Trustees are expected to participate in committee meetings as well as actively serve the needs of the committee.
The board chair will ask individual trustees to serve on committees as he/she feels will best serve the board.
Major Fund-Raising Events
Trustees are expected to actively commit their time and talents in the planning and implementation of major fundraising events.
To be a sponsor of the Golden Bear Bash ($300 or more).
Help identify and invite potential sponsors, volunteers, and attendees.
Participate in volunteer opportunities involved with the event.
Trustees are strongly encouraged to attend and participate in
Grants in Action - visiting schools to see projects we've funded.
The Annual Meeting -typically held at the end of January on a Friday evening.
Special events such as the State of the Schools, etc.
Strategic Planning retreats typically held on a Saturday morning during the first quarter of the year.
Board-development activities.
UA+Ed sponsored events such as the Golden Bear Bash (Sunday of Labor Day weekend) including setting up before the event and volunteering during the event.
Additional Expectations
Trustees are expected to
Read and become familiar with the By Laws, Standing Policies, and current Strategic Plan.
Provide oversight in organizational and financial management.
Be a positive ambassador of the foundation and school district.
Cultivate relationships within the UA community and school system.
Maintain confidentiality of matters discussed in meetings and speak on board matters only when authorized to do so.
Ask questions and share opinions openly and respectfully before and in meetings while working in the best interest of UA+Ed.
Assume leadership roles in board activities consistent with individual skills and interests.
Fiduciary and Financial Expectations
Trustees are expected to
Financially support UA+Ed in a manner commensurate with one’s ability.
Be familiar with UA+Ed’s finances, budget, and financial/resource needs.
Participate in the adoption and oversight of the annual budget.
Participate in development by nurturing relationships and sharing information about UA+Ed.
Exhibit the highest standard of ethical behavior as stewards of foundation funds.
Rights of Trustees
Trustees will have access to
Financial records and budgets.
All Meeting Minutes including full-board and committee meetings.
Governance material including By Laws, Standing Policies, and Strategic Plan.
Open and available communication with the Executive Director and UA+Ed Chair.
Trustees will receive
Written notice of meetings including time and place will be sent at least two (2) days before each meeting (per By Laws).
Agenda and pertinent background materials of agenda items in advance of the meeting.
Voting Rights
Full trustees have a right to one equal vote on each action item.
Voting may take place at a meeting or electronically (per By Laws).
Updated September 2023 (AF)