2020 SHOW + TELL
Dear Friends of UA+Ed,
2020 put “what matters most” into sharp focus. The Upper Arlington Education Foundation provided more financial support in grants, scholarships and awards than any previous year.
Beginning in March of last year, the Upper Arlington Schools faced unprecedented and urgent needs stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic that were compounded by a reduction in state funding. Providing Enhanced Distance Learning when necessary, and offering multiple pathways for instruction including a hybrid model and the UA Online Academy required additional resources.
With your support, the Upper Arlington Education Foundation was able to provide access to meaningful opportunities for each and every student throughout 2020. We supported technology to keep students and teachers connected, programs and materials to foster wellness and belonging, and funding for individual needs of students during this difficult time.
We are incredibly thankful to you, for being under our umbrella - Rain or Shine.
Alice Finley, Executive Director, and everyone at the Upper Arlington Education Foundation

Tracy Peters
2020 Chair
Charly Bauer
2020 Chair
Beth Maisenbacher
2020/2021 Treasurer
Jennifer Overmyer
2021 Chair
Todd Beekman
Sven Bergmann
Kelly Cantwell
Angela Lanctot
Greg Lehman
Mitva Patel
Karri Schildmeyer
Randi Stummer
Jana Tice
Nic Fortkamp
Matt Petersen
Craig Zimpher
Bill Hall
2020 UA Alumni Association President
Jack Graf
2021 UA Alumni Association President
Scott McKenzie
2020/2021 School Board Representative
Blair Adams
John Royer
Matt Stout
Sally Meier
2020 Ad Hoc
Paul Imhoff, Ed.D.
Jill Merkle
2020/2021 Teacher Representative
Laura Mills Moore
2020/2021 Teacher Representative
Shannon Riley
2020/2021 Teacher Representative

Our Mission
To provide access to meaningful opportunities for each and every student.
An inspired and thriving community of learners.
Honoring Community
Our expectation of quality and love of neighbor is recognized in all that we do.
Fostering Connections
We nurture relationships and cultivate partnerships for yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Supporting Innovation and Leaders
We fuel ideas and creativity in the classroom and beyond.
Embracing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
All are welcome and have equitable access to opportunity.
Giving Generously
Our hearts are big and our passion is education.
Being Responsive
We listen and learn to align our giving.
Innovate K12 District-Wide Prototype Expansion
Color Me Columbus
UAAA Ambassador Grants Program Launch
Freshman Mentor Program
Robin's Tree at Tremont
UAHS: Flexible Live Streaming Equipment For Home Athletics & Beyond...
Secrets Under the Parking Lot author visit and book purchase
Windermere Hawk Mascot
Video iPad Enhancement Initiative
Swank Streaming Video Service for Teachers/Students
Cardio Drumming for Music and PE
School Mascot Project - Greensview Lion
Middle School athletic support
OT Take Home Bag Building Project
Gallery Hop/Burbank Early Childhood School
Baseball t-shirts for alumni game
Stories for Change: This is My Story
Change Makers
Wickliffe Progressive Wolf Mascot
Student Music Lessons
Student Foundation projects 2020
Rosalind Wiseman - Distance Learning Playbook presentations
The Power of Peers Working Together: Student Collaborators Building on Inclusive School Culture
The Ohio State University Golf Course Habitat Restoration
UAHS Coaching
Summer Meals COVID-19 Crisis Fund
Dan Santat Author Visit 2020-2021
America to Me Special Event: Peter Kahn
UAHS Graphic Design Artist in Residence
High School Musical
Jim Baas Community Service Award
Francis Richard Barnes Memorial Scholarship Award
Pat R. Hamilton Memorial Scholarship
Trevor Hartley Football Scholarship Award
David Hajek Spirit Award
Keith Krieger Scholarship Award
John Lohse Orchestra Spirit Award
HER Realtors’ Scholarship
John Lohse Science Award
William Schaefer IB Scholarship Award
Class of 59 Charles G. Will Emerging Writer Award
Joanie Dugger Educator of the Year Award

This fall, UA+Ed invited parents and students to say "thank you" to teachers and staff members by using a link to share a personal message of appreciation. 459 notes were sent throughout the district with sweet treats.


Freshman mentee shirts fostered a meaningful and inclusive start for the incoming class of 2024. These students did not start their high school careers in an actual building. We know that small things like this give kids joy, it gives them a means to build community with each other, and creates a sense of belonging to something greater than themselves.
These mascots are helping to build a community feeling at school, even when learning is happening remotely! These fun friends attend school events, welcome students, and are a periodic side kick during morning video announcements.


Secrets Under the Parking Lot
The impact of this book project has been far reaching. Jones and Hastings students covered curriculum in the areas of reading, history, language arts, social studies and service-learning through an author visit and the learning of an authentic story that happened in their own community's back yard. They used critical thinking skills to learn the history of Upper Arlington and continue to explore and evaluate the beginnings of the Upper Arlington community.
During the pandemic, restrictions have limited spectator and audience size. This equipment provides families, and community members live and recorded access to athletic games, school events, and more. In the future, this equipment will continue to ensure friends, neighbors, and family members can "attend" important events.

Cardio Drums combine music and physical activity to create performance/workout experience that is fun and strenuous. The activity builds community, teamwork, exercise, and musical timing, and is adaptable for any student to enjoy.
Staff and students are producing and enhancing learning experiences by creating digital content to be shared with their school communities. See the video below, created by the elementary media specialists.

COVID-19 Crisis Fund
In 2020, the Upper Arlington Education Foundation proudly gave $25,000 to assist in establishing a UA Schools COVID-19 Crisis Fund. With the support of all school PTO's, UA Rotary, The Columbus Foundation, The Upper Arlington Community Foundation, and individual donors, over $73,000 was raised.
The first priority was to provide grab and go breakfasts and lunches to children in our community throughout the 12 week summer break 2020.
Remaining monies available in the Fund after providing for children's meals are being used for other COVID-19 Crisis-related costs at the discretion of the district.
The COVID-19 Crisis Fund is also being used to bring
author Rosalind Wiseman to our community. Her webinars, will help families and staff members to hone skills to support the social, emotional, and educational well-being of our students.
Rosalind Wiseman will discuss:
• Defining the foundation for young people's happiness and well-being
• Developing mind-frames for families that support children's skills to create, innovate, and think critically
• Helping families guide children's friendships and social interactions during the pandemic and beyond


*Upper Arlington High School, Hastings Middle School, Jones Middle School, Barrington Elementary School, Greensview Elementary School, Tremont Elementary School, Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School, Windermere Elementary School, and Burbank Early Childhood School

New Endowment Funds
Joanie Dugger Educators of the Year Award
Three teachers will be honored each year with a $1,000 grant to support programs or projects of their choosing.
Pleasant Litchford Fund
This fund is designated to further the School District's focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
National Church Residences Fund
Unrestricted in use, this fund will support programs that bring community members together with students for authentic and meaningful learning experiences.
Emily L. Reardon Memorial Scholarship Fund
In memory of this UAHS 2019 graduate, an annual scholarship will be given to a student who reflects Emily's gifts of kindness, love and compassion.
Emily L. Reardon Memorial Garden Fund
A garden will be installed in front of the entrance to the Natatorium of the new Upper Arlington High School in Emily's memory.
Establishing a permanent endowment fund is a meaningful way to support students for generations to come.
Unrestricted Assets
Unrestricted Assets are used for:
Supporting our mission through funding of grants in the school district
Operating expenses
Growing our endowment to support future generations of Golden Bears
Unrestricted Assets come from individual/corporate donations and sponsorships, fundraising (including the Golden Bear Bash), and investment revenue.
Flow-Through Funds
Flow-Through Funds are held in accounts for purposes consistent with the mission of the UA+Ed.
These funds may be created by donors to make funding available when it is needed the most. Flow-Through Funds may be temporary or long-lasting.
Designated Endowment Funds
Designated Endowment Funds may be established by donors to make a meaningful and lasting impact for today's learners as well as future generations of students.
Funds may be earmarked to support opportunities in specific subject areas, grade levels, schools, or other identified areas of interest. Endowed Funds are invested with Hamilton Capital Management and are structured to last into perpetuity.
TOTAL $2,876,872.20
All numbers are cash basis for calendar year ending 12/31/2020.

2020 VirtUAl Golden Bear Bash
In 2020, your safety was a top priority. For the first time in its 14 year history, the Golden Bear Bash was virtUAl.
Wonderful donors continued to support our mission by becoming 2020 sponsors.
50 limited edition BASH IN A BOX kits were sold out in under one hour! In addition, there were fantastic auction items available to bid on and win. Thank you Upper Arlington community!
Save the date! Golden Bear Bash!
September 5, 2021 - Whether we are in person or virtual, we will be back!
Family sponsorships start at $100
All sponsorships include website recognition
Mail a check or use a credit card online
Give in honor or memory of someone special
Thank a teacher or other UA Schools Staff member with a donation in their name
Make a tax-free gift with an IRA
Designate the UA+Ed in a bequest
Make a recurring gift (monthly, quarterly, annually)
Designate the UA+Ed when you join the United Way
Grow an existing endowment fund or flow-through fund that supports a purpose meaningful to you
The UA+Ed has over 70 funds that are designated to support specific schools, subject areas, activities and more
Learn about these funds on our website: UAEducationFoundation.com/our-funds

Once a Golden Bear
Always a Golden Bear!
The Upper Arlington Alumni Association (UAAA) was established by the UA+Ed in 1986 to help Golden Bears stay connected and engaged after graduation. In 2020, the student ambassador program is helping to raise awareness and connection between the UA+Ed and UAAA. In addition to honoring the past, the UAAA plays an active part in the UA+Ed's mission to provide access to meaningful opportunities for each and every student.
If you are a UAHS alumnus, be sure to update your information and stay connected at Bearalums.com.

Illustration from the book Golden Bears A to Z
The Upper Arlington Education Foundation is aligned with and supports the goals and plans of the Upper Arlington City School District. Our mission is to provide meaningful opportunities for each and every student and we are proud to provide resources for programs and projects focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion. We value the unique experiences and backgrounds of our community of donors, fund advisors, staff, board members, volunteers, and school district employees as we work together to further our mission. Upper Arlington is an excellent school system, but there is work to be done. We take seriously the importance of students feeling a sense of belonging, safety, and inspiration to reach their full potential.
Looking forward to 2021 and beyond, the Upper Arlington Education Foundation will
• Assess our own processes and policies, including grantmaking, to ensure equity among students;
• Provide continued board and staff development opportunities in the area of diversity, equity, and inclusion that will allow us to continue to support the strategic vision of the School District;
• Partner with our community to ensure needed resources are available to those who are working passionately on behalf of each and every student in Upper Arlington.
Upper Arlington Education Foundation Staff
Alice Finley, Executive Director
Megan Lewis Potts, Assistant Director
Meghan Obergefell, Operations Associate
Jennifer Rigney, Operations Associate