Congratulations to these
Golden Bears and Educators!
2024 Scholarships and Awards

2023 Scholarships and Awards
Collin Ansel
Trevor Hartley Memorial Football Scholarship
Audrey Hitt
Pat Hamilton Art Scholarship Award
Brayden Daubenmier
James Baas Community Service Award
Elizabeth MacKenzie
Francis Richard Barnes Humanitarian Award
Mia Ezzie
John Lohse Orchestra Award
Graham Walther
David Hajek Spirit Award
Sanay Tufekci
William F. Schaefer IB Scholarship
Aubrey Cummons
Howard Hanna Realtors Scholarship Award
Avery Pine
Keith Krieger Music Endowment Scholarship
Ann Bixel
John Lohse Science Award
Sarah McCulloch
Emily L. Reardon Memorial Scholarship
Jack Olson
Charles G. Will Emerging Writer Award
2022 Scholarships and Awards
Emily Dupont
Capstone Research & Public Speaking Award
Megan McKinney
HER Realtors Scholarship Award
Shane Roth
Emily L. Reardon Memorial Scholarship
Callum D.
Charles G. Will Emerging Writer Award
Isaac Lute
David Hajek Spirit Award
Will be announced soon
Joanie Dugger Educator of the Year Award
Evangeline Turnbull
John Lohse Orchestra Award
Krish Mawalkar
Capstone Research & Public Speaking Award
Lucas B.
Charles G. Will Emerging Writer Award
Isaac Lute
William F. Schaefer IB Scholarship
Mihai Crisan
John Lohse Science Award
Stacie Caruso
Joanie Dugger Educator of the Year Award
Ava Taylor
Pat Hamilton Art Scholarship Award
Jack G.
Charles G. Will Emerging Writer Award
Maya Khelashvili
Francis Richard Barnes Humanitarian Award
Vivian Lawless
James Baas Community Service Award
Eric Wylie
Joanie Dugger Educator of the Year Award
Carly Rothgeb
Charles G. Will Emerging Writer Award
Grant Overmyer
Keith Krieger Music Endowment Scholarship
​2021 Scholarships and Awards
Trisha Fellinger
Joanie Dugger Educator of the Year Award
Isabelle Petersen
William F. Schaefer IB Scholarship
Abby Vitali
John Lohse Orchestra Award
Adam Cipriano
Trevor Hartley Memorial Football Scholarship
John Davis
David Hajek Spirit Award
Bella VanMeter
Charles G. Will Emerging Writer Award
Anna Funge
Francis Richard Barnes Humanitarian Award
Margie Belair
Joanie Dugger Educator of the Year Award
Cassandra Kula
William F. Schaefer IB Scholarship
Lydia Silver
Keith Krieger Music Endowment Scholarship
Hayden Jay
Pat Hamilton Art Scholarship Award
Piper Hiller
Emily L. Reardon Memorial Scholarship
Gavin Stember-Stiffler
Charles G. Will Emerging Writer Award
Emma Wang
James Baas Community Service Award
Laura Kunkle
Joanie Dugger Educator of the Year Award
Sophia Sivilotti
John Lohse Science Award
Giovanna Kistner
HER Realtors Scholarship Award
Penelope Clark
Pat Hamilton Art Scholarship Award
Dylan Nowinski
Charles G. Will Emerging Writer Award
Meghan Calloway
Charles G. Will Emerging Writer Award
Christopher Schueler
James Baas Community Service Award